Wednesday 23 April 2008

A message to the US democrates

I know less about the US politics, better still nothing about politics and that is why I would love to have a better explanation on why the US democratic party still has up till this stage,two presidential aspirants.

France is not better than a lot other countries in politics related issues, but I think she has some positive ideologies about politics that some countries might need to learn from. Such as, at national level, France understands its mixed race and cultures and gives it the chance to co-exist. A testimony is the recent minister of justice Rashida Dati who's parents were immigrants; as well as the young minister of Human Rights Rama Yade who was born in Senegal but naturalised and became French.

I remember last year's presidential elections in France, the recent president of France (Nicolas Sarkozy) was nominated the unique candidate of his UMP republican party mostly known as the rightist party. This nomination led to the wining of the presidential sit by the UMP party because Nicolas Sarkozy had every support he most needed from his party members to out match his opponent Ségolène Royal of the socialist party, who went through thick and thin due to lack of support from her party.
I doubt if history will not repeat itself as regards the US republican party wining the upcoming presidential elections in November.

I was believing that the US have come of age and have out grown the race and religion issues. I am really disappointed to know that US is still not accepting the fact that it is a country with mix race, people, culture and religion. I expected this election to have been its turning point to truly make a change with the way politics is played. I do not have any lessons to give to a sovereign state but as an observer, I think the people of US should more concentrate on how to resolve their internal problems and give the chance to the candidate who most can deliver and render solutions that will bring about positive results.

How long will we continue to leave in a world full of discrimination? How long will we continue to see each other differently? Why do we draw back ourselves and put our families and country in jeopardy due to our lack of understanding. I sometimes ask if we really do want and fight for world peace. If the answer is yes that peace in the world is what we want, why do we then segregate one another?
No he is black, he is not capable enough to rule and we use the pretext that Obama is not well experienced. I suppose a president of a country has a qualified and capable personnels/cabinet, even if he makes the final decisions.
It is true Hillary Clinton was once a first Lady of the US and might have learnt a couple of things from the way her husband led the country, but that does not make her any more experienced than her opponent. She has never held the position of a president and the hard task of making a tough decision when necessary.

My advice is that if the democratic party wants to win the upcoming presidential elections, it should stop the show and rally around a candidate who not only has the chance of wining, but who can also deliver, bring US back on the right track and make a positive change.
The US people fail to understand that the US is not indispensable to the world, but that their political decisions in choosing the right candidate in this presidential elections do matter to the entire world.

I watch the presidential debates and hear the candidates call some countries their enemies. Its not because a country is an Islamic country that a Christian country can not be in good terms with the Islamic country. I am not taking sides with any religion but I only look forward to the day when the US will stop counting their enemies and learn to make peace even with people who do not agree with their ideas.
We all wish to live in a world that is war free, a world that is terrorist free, but we do not fight war with war; we can learn to make peace by dialogue.

Whether its the democrates or the republicans who wins the final elections, all we want is that the US people keep sentiments aside, take away the barriers of choosing a candidate based on his faith and believes, take away the barriers of race and look at the realities that face them. Then and only then, will they make quality decisions and give their country the best that it desrves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just to let you know I fully support your opinion about the US election.
Obama is, to my mind, the latest chance the country has to restore its image in the world. Showing they are ready to abid by their image of tolerance and democracy.