Sunday 9 November 2008

President Obama's White House: difficult times ahead but a new begining

The world was thrilled over the choice of the 44th president of the USA on the 4th of November 2008.

I'm happy to have contributed in my own little way to this "Obama movement" through my blog during the course of the nomination of a democratic presidential cross bearer. Then, I wrote an article titled "a message to the US Democrats".

It is clear that concerning the issue of diversity in politics, the USA is a clear leader in the need for evolution and modernisation. We wait to share in the joy of Americans with the swearing in ceremony which is scheduled to hold on the 20th of January 2009. I'm optimist it'll be a happy and successful transition.

Now to the main issue that is bothering Americans as well as the world all over. The president elect I believe is fully aware of the responsibilities that lye ahead and if I may say, is eager to get in action as quickly as possible as he can.

But, like most politicians would say, promises during elections only binds those who believed in them. Obama is a politician, but I want to believe that he is a man of honour. So, he should not fail to understand why 52% of Americans preferred him to his opponent.
He is not expected to be a messiah, nor a magician, but he should try to leave up to his democratic values and work towards the programme that distinguished him from every other presidential aspirant in the course for the White House.

Obama, if maybe some day you happen to read my blog, try to carry every of your fellow citizens along. No racism (even if mostly the blacks in US, and all minority groups suffer this treatment daily) nor by partisanship, because, this is what will make the difference between you and any other closed minded individual.

We are heading into a century of fresh and positive thinkers and so, Obama's banner of change might be a promising motto for a more peaceful tomorrow.
In this aspect, I engineer the new administrative body of government to not rush into costly wars, which will only bring about financial and human losses.

To the USA, Russia, and every other country leaders who are hungry for power, while measuring your strenght, you should make an effort to put into considerations, the harm your drastic decisions might cost to the economy, the finance and to the planet.
Take heed from the aftermath of the present wars that the world is experiencing today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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